Friday, October 19, 2007

Reflections on NW

The above link will take you to Susan Fair's blog about New Windsor and an interview with a gentleman who lived there.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

More Photos from 10/9/07

The front of the building - see the tractor trailer traveling beside the building?
The Staff Lounge - everyone around the "memorial sewer pipe".

The side of the building (looking from the planned parking area).

Looking into HR (and maybe some restrooms).

Behind the building - there's the Fire Hall!

The old gym.

Photos 10/9/07

External Relations gets the "pretty" contact paper!
The stairway that's staying.

Looking into HR.

Door into Reception.

First floor hallway.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Library HQ New Windsor

Welcome to the new HQ New Windsor renovation blog. Posted will be as many photos of the renovation as we can get on it. The following link to the County's website shows you what the building looked like before the contractor got started tearing things up outside.